Kansas Abortion Statistics

– Updated September 2024 –

Kansas Has Become an Extreme Abortion Destination

Abortion Rates are Skyrocketing in Kansas


*Unofficial estimates by Guttmacher Institute.
Gov. Laura Kelly has delayed issuing official state abortion statistics for 2023.


The annual number of abortions in Kansas TRIPLED,
the largest spike in recorded state history.

Shocking Impacts Previously Seen in 2022

  • 29% increase in painful, live dismemberment abortions
  • 117% increase in the number of abortions performed on
    out-of-state residents
  • 38% increase in the number of chemical pill abortions
  • 49% increase in the number of abortions performed on
    minor girls

As we predicted, Kansas has seen a massive increase in the number of vulnerable women being intentionally funneled to abortion facilities in Kansas. Behind each of these statistics is an industry eager to pad its bottom line, a woman who has been pushed to feel she has no other option, and a child who will never blow out her first birthday candle.